Activities & Events

GMCNY - Silent Walking Meditation in Riverside Park (New York)

Picture adapted from 'Riverside Park 02.jpg' by Momo, available under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikipedia

Sunday, May 19, 2024
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET

Led by GMCNY volunteers

Walking is a form of meditation that can be practiced in the midst of your busy life — any time, anywhere, no planning or preparation necessary. Join us for an afternoon in beautiful Riverside Park and learn how the simple act of walking can be transformed into an exercise for both body and mind, a healthy habit that can pacify even the busiest of minds.

Who: This will be led by Dharma Drum Retreat Center volunteers. Everyone is welcome, including:

meditators and non-meditators
people curious about "mindfulness" or Chan (Chinese Zen)
people who don't have the time to meditate
people who think "meditation is not for me"
people who sit too much and walk too little
people who'd like to meet new people
people who'd like to walk but not talk

What: We will alternate between periods of silent walking and silence-optional walking. During periods of silent walking, we ask that you observe Noble Silence (refrain from verbal communication). Instructions will be provided prior to and at the beginning of the event, and there will be opportunities to ask questions. At the conclusion of the event, we will also grab a bite to eat/drink somewhere close by.

You are welcome to join and leave as your schedule permits — all that we ask is that you respect periods of walking in Noble Silence.

When: Sunday, May 19, 2024, 2-4pm
Where: Riverside Park, 96 Street entrance (the Dinosaur playground)
Cost: FREE!

Registration is required for this local event. Please read the terms and conditions of this waiver form before registering. Please email us at [email protected] for offline support.

The event may be subject to change. Please visit Global Meditation Center New York's website for the latest information.