
Orthodox Chinese Buddhism

Is Buddhism a religion, the Buddhadharma, or a philosophy

Buddhism has holistic answers to problems that different fields of study are striving to solve― and it transcends their limits.

Buddhism is a non theistic belief in causes and conditions

The environment we’re living in is created by the vows and karma we made in the past lives. We’re born in this environment and receive our respective results due to our karma.

Is Buddhism theistic or non-theistic

Buddhism is non-theistic, which holds that everything in this world is the result of the combination of causes and conditions, not created by an eternal being as the Creator.


Realizing the Value of Life

The value of life depends on how we use our lives. If what we want are positive values, we must use our bodily, verbal, and mental actions to achieve sufficient growth in our morals, character, and...

Compassion as an Essential Element in Purifying the Mind

Compassion is the best prescription to purify our minds.

Control our Emotions and Thoughts through Willpower

Development of self {Stage 3: Controlling our Emotions and Thoughts through Willpower} Constantly observe and monitor our mental activities. Learn to gain better control of our states of mind ...